TERC's New Look, Looks Forward

As TERC continues to grow, we want our brand to reflect what we believe in and why we exist. We’re excited to share these brand updates and explain why we made them.

New Look

You’ve probably noticed that TERC’s website and materials have a new look. We’ve recently updated our logo, typeface, tagline, and imagery. We’re still the same TERC you know and love, but with an updated brand that reflects our belief in the power of STEM education to move the world forward.

Logo Timeline

When we started in 1965, our name, Technical Education Research Centers,described our focus on technical and occupation education, primarily at the post-secondary level. These days our scope of work has expanded, and our name stands for more. Today we embrace education initiatives from across the STEM fields, serve learners in an array of settings, and believe more strongly than ever that math and science education builds futures. That is why we recently changed our legal name to our familiar acronym, TERC.

With this change comes new opportunities to share our powerful mission with stories, images, and new online tools. Throughout our history we have strived to be stewards of STEM education and advocates for teachers, learners, and innovators. With this brand redesign, we set out to encompass that passion and to showcase TERC’s expertise in STEM education.

We’ve also made a complete overhaul to our website, so it’s easier for you to find the information you’re most interested in. Here are a few highlights:

  • Top level links to the projects, research, products, publications, and people that you are looking for.
  • A robust search solution allows you to search the site by keywords, content areas, focus populations, and staff members.
  • Quick links to site search, email sign up, and contact form.
  • Icons provide visual cues to content areas.
  • Dynamic profile pages cross-link to each staff members’ projects, publications, research, and products, so you can connect with and get to know the people behind our ground-breaking work.
  • A simple-to-complete contact form enables you to stay in touch and customize the information we send you in the future.


What’s Up Next

We’re working on an interactive timeline where you’ll learn about TERC’s history and how we’ve contributed to STEM education over the years. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates and check back at terc.edu in January 2020!

Thank you to our entire community for your support and partnership over the years. We hope the new brand will inspire all of us to tackle big challenges, stand for equal access, and build futures through math and science education.

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TERC's New Look, Looks Forward
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Jaclyn Parks

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